Ways to be happier and healthier

Let’s just agree that 2020 has been a tough year for all of us. Some of us have lost friends and family due to COVID-19 and we’ve spent a lot of time at home and less time with others, which has not been good for us. Many have lost their jobs and small businesses have had to close due to lockdowns.

Then here in the US we had an election year and it has been stomach turning as we waited and watched this all play out before our eyes.

Our minds are tired and many are anxious and can’t sleep at night, making us unable to focus and get things done at home/work. 

I have been feeling like this as well and I wanted to make a list of things that we can do to help us improve our happiness during these times. So here is my list.

21 things that can make you happier:

Disclaimer: I am by no means an expert. These are just some things I have found to be helpful for my own life.

1-Try a new hobby. Watercoloring or painting and drawing. I did this with my sister and I felt calm and had fun while painting.
2-Excercise. Walking 10,000 steps each day or any physical activity will make you feel better once you finish it.
3-Read a book. Read something that will fill your mind with good things, is entertaining or is educational.
4-Practice mindfulness being present in the here and now is very important especially when you’re anxious and stressed.
5-Don’t watch the news stay informed but don’t over expose yourself to too much information and negative news.

6-Watch a movie or short tv show episode. This is a great distraction. Or if you prefer to watch something educational like a conference or Ted talk.
7-Pray blessings for others praying for others helps heal our hearts and makes us kinder humans.
8-Do something nice for someone else we are happier when we help others, giving is better than receiving.
9-Think before you speak and be kind to others we need to give grace to one another.
10-Think and say positive things no one wants to be beside a grumpy person.

11-Donate your money or time to a charity. Do unto others as you would have them do to you.
12-Get together with friends for a picnic in a park we need to stay connected with friends and family.
13-Stay off from social media and use for a minimum amount of time a day. This can be a tough one to get used to doing, since most people are addicted to their phones. But too much social media can be a joy killer and a time waster.
14-Smile and think positive thoughts this will make you feel happy and better.
15-Hug your family we all need a hug every now and then. They need to know you love them and care about them.

16-Play with your pets they are your best, truest friends.
17-Get enough sleep every night. Sleeping is so important for our health and well being it is as essential as eating, and drinking water.
18-Practice gratitude, a joyful heart is like good medicine.
19-Journal. Write down your thoughts and get things out of your mind.
20-Eat breakfast every day.

21-Drink water to keep hydrated.
22-Get outdoors and take some sun which is a good source of vitamin D.
23-Take supplement vitamins. You can ask you physician which supplements they suggest for you or you could go to a Walgreens or a Health food store and ask an expert there for their suggestions. But always consult your doctor before taking any supplements.
24-Listen to music that calms you and makes you happy.
25-Read the Bible. This is a very important one whether you believe in God or not I think this book is full of truth and wisdom that is able to help us heal, gives peace and give insight and wisdom.
26-Forgive those who have hurt you and forgive yourself. Move on from the past, this takes time but each day as you forgive you will begin to heal and grow.
27-Be honest with yourself and see what are some areas that you need to grow in like, humility, getting along with others, assertiveness, patience, compassion.

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